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For The Consumer Packaged Goods Industry

Boost brand visibility and drive consumer engagement with data-driven, multi-platform digital advertising strategies tailored to the competitive CPG industry

Maximizing Brand Visibility and Consumer Engagement for CPG Brands with Data-Driven Digital Advertising Solutions​


For the highly competitive Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industry, staying top-of-mind with consumers is critical.


With changing consumer behaviour and the rise of e-commerce, CPG brands need targeted digital advertising strategies that drive engagement and boost sales.


At 2045, we specialize in helping CPG brands effectively connect with their audience through personalized, data-backed advertising solutions.

Supermarket Aisle
Woman Shopping for Groceries

Targeted Campaigns for Maximum Reach

Reaching the right consumers is key to driving sales in the CPG industry.


Our advanced targeting capabilities allow you to connect with your ideal audience based on demographics, shopping behaviour, and consumer preferences, ensuring your products are top-of-mind when consumers are ready to make a purchase.

Multi-Platform Advertising Strategies

Today’s consumers engage with brands across various platforms, from social media to e-commerce sites and connected TV.


We design and manage omni-channel campaigns that deliver your message consistently, ensuring your brand is visible wherever your consumers spend their time.


Real-Time Optimization for Maximum ROI

Our programmatic advertising solutions use real-time data to optimize your campaigns continuously.


By adjusting bids and placements based on performance, we ensure your CPG brand gets the most out of every ad dollar.


Changing Consumer Behavior

With the rise of online shopping and evolving consumer preferences, CPG brands must adapt their strategies to reach consumers in the moments that matter most.


This requires precision targeting and timely messaging to capture attention and drive action.


​Brand Differentiation in a Saturated Market

The CPG industry is crowded, with numerous brands competing for shelf space and consumer attention.


Standing out requires a compelling brand message and effective advertising across multiple platforms to cut through the noise.

Navigating Regulations and Compliance

CPG brands often face specific regulations and compliance issues, particularly in categories like food and beverages or health products.


Ensuring your ads comply with industry standards while effectively reaching your audience is a balancing act we’re experienced in handling.


At 2045, we deliver tailored solutions that help CPG brands navigate the complexities of digital advertising. Here’s how we solve the unique challenges in this industry:​


  • Precision Targeting: We identify and segment your target audience based on critical factors like shopping habits, interests, and purchasing intent, ensuring your ads are relevant and engaging.

  • Cross-Platform Campaigns: Our multi-platform approach ensures your brand message is delivered consistently across social media, display, search, and e-commerce channels.

  • Performance-Driven Insights: We provide in-depth analytics to track the performance of your campaigns, giving you clear insights into what works and how to optimize your strategy for better results.

  • Regulatory Compliance: We ensure your campaigns meet all necessary industry regulations, helping you avoid pitfalls while still reaching your target consumers.

Office Meeting


Discover how our digital advertising solutions can help your CPG brand increase visibility, connect with consumers, and drive sales. Contact us today to run a test campaign and see how we can help you reach your goals.

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