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Unlocking New Revenue Streams and Driving Sales with Retail Media Networks in Canada

As the retail landscape evolves, retail media networks are emerging as a powerful way for brands to connect with shoppers.

By leveraging the digital properties of retailers—such as websites, mobile apps, and in-store digital displays—brands can engage with consumers at critical points of the purchase journey. At 2045, we provide tailored retail media network advertising solutions that help brands optimize their presence within retail environments and increase sales.

What is a Retail Media Network?​


A retail media network is a platform that allows brands to advertise on a retailer’s owned digital properties, such as their e-commerce website, mobile apps, or in-store digital signage.


These networks provide brands with valuable first-party data, enabling them to deliver targeted ads to shoppers who are already engaged and likely to make a purchase.


From promoting new products to influencing purchasing decisions at the point of sale, retail media networks offer a direct line to highly qualified consumers.

Person Carrying Shopping Cart
Mobile Phone

Why Retail Media Networks are Essential for Canadian Brands​


In Canada, retail media networks are becoming a key component of digital advertising strategies.


With over 80% of Canadians making online purchases and a growing reliance on e-commerce, retail media offers brands a unique opportunity to engage consumers as they shop.


Whether it’s placing an ad on a retailer's website or delivering in-store digital ads, retail media networks help brands increase visibility and drive conversions.


Access to First-Party Data

Retail media networks provide brands with valuable first-party data that enables precise targeting based on shoppers’ browsing and purchasing behaviour.


This ensures your ads are reaching consumers who are already engaged with the retailer’s platform.


High Intent Shoppers

Consumers on retail websites or in physical stores are often ready to make a purchase.


Advertising through retail media networks allows brands to influence buying decisions at the most critical stage of the shopping journey.

Omni-channel Campaign Integration

Retail media networks can be integrated into broader omnichannel campaigns, allowing brands to create a seamless shopping experience for consumers across online, mobile, and in-store touchpoints.


​Real-Time Campaign Optimization

Retail media platforms provide real-time data on ad performance, allowing brands to optimize their campaigns based on insights into what’s working and what needs adjustment.


This ensures that your marketing budget is spent efficiently.


​Increased ROI and Sales

By reaching consumers who are already in the shopping mindset, retail media networks drive more conversions and provide a higher return on investment compared to broader digital advertising platforms.

Beauty Shop


While retail media networks offer immense opportunities, they also present challenges such as managing campaigns across multiple retailer platforms and navigating the complex retail landscape.


However, the opportunity to directly influence purchasing decisions and leverage first-party data makes it a highly valuable tool for Canadian brands.


At 2045, we help brands navigate the complexities of retail media networks by managing campaigns across multiple retailers, providing data-driven insights, and optimizing ad placements to drive results.


From creating custom ads to leveraging the full power of first-party data, our solutions ensure your retail media campaigns are successful.


At 2045, we specialize in helping brands maximize their presence on retail media networks. Here’s how we help:


Custom Campaign Strategy:

We create tailored campaigns that align with your brand’s goals, ensuring that your ads reach the right shoppers at the right time.


First-Party Data Utilization:​ 

We leverage retailer first-party data to deliver highly targeted ads, increasing your chances of influencing purchasing decisions.

Performance Analytics:

We provide in-depth analytics to track your campaign’s performance and offer actionable insights to optimize for better results.

Woman with New Cellphone


Discover how our retail media network advertising solutions can help your brand connect with shoppers and drive conversions across Canada. Contact us today to run a test campaign and see how we can help you grow your sales through retail media.

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